Future of Diversity Symposium 2016

Future of Diversity Symposium 2016
September 25–27, 2016
Georgetown Day School
Washington, DC

The mission of this experience has always been to connect minds, hearts, and spirits to tackle the very real challenges facing our school communities today… the work that we will do together over the next three days, the questions that we will contemplate, the inspiration that we will feel from one another, all will be fuel for our re-entry into a school year that will demand that we engage proactively and not reactively, compassionately and not impatiently.
Crissy CáceresAssistant Head of School, Georgetown Day School
This is our third annual Future of Diversity Symposium and I’ve been excited about this gathering every year. What excites me the most this year is the presence of students.
Russell ShawHead of School, Georgetown Day School
FDS 2016 Adult Participant Agenda
FDS 2016 Student Participant Agenda

Sunday: Seeing Our Impact

Welcome to GDS

Generative Listening

What was it like to share your story?

“It was scary to tell my story, but after hearing others tell theirs, I gained courage. I thought I didn’t have a story, but I did.”

What did you notice about your own listening?

“I was trying to focus on values. I sometimes rush to judge or criticize. This allowed me to step back and truly value perspectives other than my own.”

What did you learn about generative listening?

“This was a confirmation and a reminder that these experiences are all about the stories of the people who you meet.”

Open/Ice Breakers & Goal Setting (Students)

Video & Photos

Monday: Connected & Collective (Adults)

Personal Leadership Reflection

We need to create the conditions for complex conversations filled with diverse perspectives to take place.
Tim MerryProfessional Trainer & Coach
Personal practice is a disciplined practice that focuses on you reflecting and knowing yourself – knowing your triggers and your points of depth and your reactions. Personal practice is critical to your ability to act upon your strengths and full potential.
Tuesday Ryan-HartHost & Facilitator

What are you afraid of?

“I am afraid of not having the ability or fortitude to psychologically navigate a world that is so different from where and how I grew up. I have so many conflicting narratives in my mind it’s hard to sift through them at times. I feel homeless and alone. I do not directly relate to my white colleagues, I often do not relate to my colleagues of color that grew up in more affluent environments than my own. I do not relate to most of the people I grew up with. I am afraid because I don’t know how to overcome this fear and at times it paralyzes me.”

What do you need to overcome to rise to the next level of your leadership?

“The best thing that we can do is to move to more dialogue.”

Connected & Collective: What actions can we take together now?

Connected & Collective: Teach to support collective work with Q&A

Video & Photos

Monday: Self, Society, School (Students)

School Mission Statements — Chalk Talk and Journaling

Tuesday: Taking Action

Design Lab for Future Collective Work

Students Present Action Plans

Video & Photos

Coming soon… day 3 video.